Tuesday, September 12, 2006

More like meow

I'm trying to hurry up and post before Husband gets home and we have our one hour together before falling swiftly and convulsively to sleep... lately I have been like a single woman again, and boy, cooking for one is not where it's at. Too easy is it to make a dinner of say, ice cream, or crackers. The production of cooking and even worse, cleaning, is too much for one person on a daily basis.

But tonight, I prevailed! A real dinner, chock full of bok choy, asian eggplant, and zucchini.

I am woman, hear me roar.

But tonight I am also little girl, spoiled yet again by my parents, who met me a nearby mall to pass on a giant box of goodies from Costco -- pita chips, Nut Thins, oatmeal, Bake Naked granola, Dubliner cheese, wheels of Laughing Cow, quiches, Ghiradelli chocolates, Advil, etc. But I resisted their offers of a spin around Macy's, their unused coupons burning a hole in their pockets.


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