Tuesday, June 03, 2008


I had so been enjoying saying I was 28 recently (28! doesn't that sound so young?!) that when Husband asked me how it felt being 29, I realized I felt a bit old. But I've been querying my 30+ friends about what goal they set out to accomplish before their 30th birthdays (skydiving! going back to grad school! completing an Olympic-length triathlon! getting a divorce!) in preparation for next year.

A personal voicemail message from my car dealership.

Who doesn't love a good package from a foreign country? The official stamps, the foreign language, the embarrassed giraffe cartoon... even the tape is different!

But the contents were even better!

At least if you're a bit of a logic puzzle nerd, like me. My dad sat next to a Japanese man on the plane who had one of these books, so he asked for the publishing info. Some people import wine from France.... others, puzzles from Japan. Thanks Dad!

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