Saturday, February 14, 2009

Valentine's Day cards, rejected

- cards featuring dogs (initially cute, but what do dogs have to do with romantic love?)
- cards referring to our "old love"
- stalker cards ("I knew since the first moment I saw you that we'd be together forever...")
- cards "To the man I love"
- odd sex cards ("I'll do anything... except that one thing.")

Sunday, February 08, 2009

Yoga at the cabin

Thanks, Mother Nature

"Nature wants us to be mediocre because we have a greater chance to survive and reproduce. Mediocrity is as close to the bottom as it is to the top, and will give you a lousy life."

-advice from my lululemon yoga tote.

New Year tipsy (in February)

Some thinking I've enjoyed on New Year's Resolutions:
1. Make a detailed master plan, making scary projects seem manageable
2. Not make any goals, freeing you up to suddenly do something amazing, like write a novel
3. Simple goodness: Resolving for more candlelight

Stop procrastinating at work with better lists
Start procrastinating at work with new games

Get a new fresh desktop wallpapers -- Marimekko wallpapers here and here and also some from Nate Williams