Tuesday, March 03, 2009

Winter fun

Cabin weekends


Winter camping

Jan/Feb books

Jan/Feb reads:
Burma Chronicles - Guy Delisle. Jamilti and other stories - Rutu Modan. Aya of Yop City by Marguerite Abouet (Ivory Coast). These three are graphic novels for the non-graphic novel reader, and offer really interesting glimpses into three different cultures. Next time you're reaching for a travel memoir, try one of these instead--you won't be disappointed.

Northanger Abbey - Jane Austen. I read this for my book club and liked it even more than I remembered. If you're reading Austen, I really liked the Headline publishers version I got from our local library... the bright cover and normal-sized print made Austen seem more accessible.

Unaccustomed Earth - Jhumpa Lahiri. Lahiri never disappoints--she always delivers up interesting characters and thoughtful plots.

Confessions of a Teen Sleuth - Chelsea Cain. Clever, entertaining would-be memoir of the "real" Nancy Drew.

Ethan Frome and House of Mirth - Edith Wharton. Both of these are fabulous... the first a short, snowy winter read of missed opportunity, the second, a crushing, fall-into-disgrace novel that proves that not all books end happily.

What to do about Alice? by Barbara Kerley. Beautifully illustrated children's book about Alice Roosevelt.

Also read:
In pursuit of Alice Thrift and Into Love and Out Again- Elinor Lipman.
Paper Towns by John Green. Good, thinking-person's young adult novel.