Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Catch up

My goodness! Here we are in late May. Let's see: momentous moments:
1. Husband turned 30! Celebrated with takeout and dusk walk in the parks around our house.
2. We run our first ultramarathon! And survive. My desire to do the race stemmed from my belief that it sounded IMPOSSIBLE. Alas, it was not. Discovered 31 miles is not all that different, and that sometimes running hurts less than walking.
3. Garden round 7, and I think it's H house, 1, Garden, 0. We are finally figuring out how to manage the jungle and even to grow more vegetables than what seemed possible.
4. Husband expresses a desire to travel internationally! Plans to the homeland are in the works.
5. Come down with seasonal bout of spring fever. Cured by crossing the headwaters of the Mississippi and getting drunk at annual cabin lane Memorial Day cookout.

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