Tuesday, August 17, 2004

Blue lake and rocky shore, the champagne of beers, and a broken toe

Ely was everything I hoped it could be. We spent the main part of the day doing things outdoors - canoeing, hiking, running The Most Gorgeous Run in the World - and spent the other part reading, eating tasty food, hanging out in Ely, and just sitting and staring the beautiful lake.

Most exhilarating moment - taking a sauna and then running out in the 45 degree chill and rain to jump in the freezing lake.

Saddest moment - When Husband broke his toe portaging the canoe, putting an end to his much-beloved daily runs.

Family fun moment - Hanging out with Husband's cousins the first night, having Husband and his cousin E get into the type of hijinks they were famous for as kids.

Sweetest moment - sharing carrot cake with Husband and toasting each other on our 2nd anniversary.

Sobering moment - the row after row of empty liquor and beer bottles on Sunday after our weekend with friends M and B. As M would say, we "lived the high life."

Tomorrow it is D.C.-ho as we embark on a very unplanned adventure... we don't have any agenda, and haven't talked much with the friend we're visiting, and are staying with some of his friends who we've never met...

I'd also like to note a visit yesterday and today by good college friend J.C. and his girlfriend... although it's been awhile it feels as if no time has passed. It's great to see him again.

Our first harvest

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