Monday, January 10, 2005

Krissy and Michael and Lisi and Libby

I had a high school friend whose parents had chosen her and her sister's names because they couldn't be shortened (Vanessa and Heather). I thought that was a bit controlling at the time, but now that I'm adult and all the Krissys and Mikes of the world are reverting to being Kristines and Michaels... I'm finding myself much in favor of the not-traditionally-shortened name. I'm all for those people with nicknames who don't actually ever introduce themselves by their nickname (like a Kelly who is occasionally called Kel but would never adopt it as her own) but I think I'm going to take the controlling route. Besides, I would always fear that the child I named Elizabeth (which I do like) would choose a terrible nickname for herself like "Libby," and then where would I be. (The only acceptable derivations are Lisi and Lizbeth.)
Husband and I are not actually ready for children or particularly fond of them, but we do enjoy discussing names. Unfortunately his last name, with its back-of-the-throat velar sound and just one syllable, doesn't sound good with everything. As far as I can see, naming the child seems the best part, and the only interesting thing to amuse yourself with as you wait those nine (ten) months with your body held hostage.

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