Sunday, January 16, 2005

Pink triangles

So I went to the pharmacy this morning at 10 because someone forgot to refill her prescription sooner than the day she absolutely needs its (actually, the she in question apparently threw away a month's worth of pills on a cleaning spree, forcing her to pay full price for a replacement. That will teach her not to clean). Later, I delved into the white paper sack for my headache pills, which I'd also picked up, only to find the name "Megan S****" written on top and one of the nine pills missing. Annoyed, having been to the pharmacy three times in the last two days, I called them to let them know what happened. "Sorry about that," the pharmistress said. "She can't afford to buy them all at once so we keep them for her." With shame, I remembered that the pills, a designer drug, are extremely expensive without insurance. How sad, and how fortunate I am.

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