Monday, February 14, 2005


Cabin fever is setting in... send help! Husband and I escaped the city with a trip down to our alma mater to reminisce and eat at old hang-outs and smell the library and see college theatre featuring a previously-mentioned boy that I think is cute (although not as cute with the play-necessitated haircut). This weekend, thank god, I will be escaping to the wilds of the north, where there is hopefully enough snow for recreational activities. Am contemplating more cabin trips in March but am not sure whether that is a Wise Idea.

I celebrated Valentine's Day by getting up at 5 a.m. OK, I woke up early because I'd gone to sleep at 9 with a cold, but I did enjoy standing outside in the eerie silent dark of morning, amidst snow-frosted and laden trees, shoveling the wet snow in my lime green pajamas and coat.

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