Sunday, April 08, 2007

Vacation Diaries, Days 3-7: St. John

The fourth annual H family vacation broke a long standing rule of not returning to the same place twice by spending a week again in St. John, USVI.

When we arrived I struggled (as much as one can, when one is lying on the beach sipping a BBC) with the desire to DO SOMETHING I'D NEVER DONE BEFORE, as I so firmly resolved, knowing that by doing so I risked doing something new for doing something new's sake.

Because there are plenty of old standbys that I love. Like hiking. Snorkeling. Kayaking.

Exhibit A: Snorkeling at Waterlemon Cay. (That's Husband, the small dot in red.)

Exhibit B: Hiking (looking down on Waterlemon Cay)

I did push myself out of my comfort zone a bit. For example, I had a facial. Delightful. And I tried a mango mojito -- very tasty. I'd do it again. I also drove on the left side of the road for the first time. I even got my passport stamped, by going to Jost Van Dyke and Tortola, beating my "to do before I'm 30" goal shamefully easily. (Obviously one needs to aim higher). But I relented when Husband was less than enthusiastic about the "Chi of Relationships for Couples" class -- he'd suffered enough. And when the weather is perfect and the water, inviting, why spend two hours inside?

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