Friday, July 13, 2007

The last person in the world to sign up for Twin Cities

I said my legs needed a break. That I was excited to do more yoga. That I was tired of having my weekends filled up by long runs.

But I was fooling myself.

I lasted one week without run club. It sucked.

Because here's what has happened frequently during the last six months:
1. Come home from work a. tired or crabby or b. wearied by some life problem
2. Drag self to run club
3. Arrive home feeling happy and strong
And I was scared about not having steps 2 and 3 in my life anymore.

So I took a hard look at why I hadn't signed up for the Twin Cities Marathon in October, and discovered it was two things:

1. Not wanting to steal thunder from good friend and first time marathoner KC
2. Feeling like Grandma's was such a big deal for me and so many people graciously listened to me blabber on about it... and worrying that people would think I would demand the same amount of attention again.

But when I really thought about it, I knew #1 wasn't that big of deal, and #2, well, is pretty stupid, too.

So I really couldn't have procrastinated any longer. The race has been closed for over a month, but my run club gets a handful of guaranteed entries, and even then, I had waited until there were only two left.

This is not like me. I am a planner. I make lists.

So here I am, spending my Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Sundays at run club again. I even agreed to be a pace group leader.

How does this turn of events leave me feeling?
Happy. And strong.

Note: I wrote this post two weeks ago... please excuse the delay in posting.

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