Monday, July 30, 2007

Veggie night

This has been one of the most scheduled summers I've had in a long time. Tuesday and Wednesday are running nights, Thursday was softball night, and Monday is veggie night--a mad dash to cook, preserve, and eat the weekly bounty of fresh organic vegetables from our CSA.

It's quite a challenge, but I love cooking and finding new ways to make good use out of things.
But with only few days at home this week (camping trip ho!), it was emergency time when I came home with this week's overflowing box.

So I dried:


Blanched and froze:


and Roasted:

All in about two hours. (I also made some mac 'n' cheese for the leftover broccoli.) I hope the Chinese eggplant, tomatoes, potatoes, onions, green beans, and summer squash I didn't get to can make it until next week.

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