Friday, October 05, 2007


You may since its my third marathon I wouldn't be as nervous.
But that is not the case.

I still put a lot of pressure on myself to do the absolute best I can do. Maybe even more so, since this is my third and I now know what I can do.

And there are so many factors--weather, strategy, water and fuel intake, various minor injuries, group vs. solo running--to rethink and make minute adjustments to.

But I decided yesterday to stop worrying about the weather forecast and get my game face on. It's going to be super fun. I'm going to run strong. I've trained hard and listened well and know what to do. I've done most of the course, running the last 11 miles on legs nearly as tired as they'll be on Sunday. I'll do my best to plan for what I can, but I'll handle whatever else comes up that I didn't plan for.

Most of all, I'm going to take it all in and have fun. I'm getting really excited just thinking about it. See you at the finish line. Woot!

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