Wednesday, February 20, 2008


I'm all plans and no execution lately. I have all these ideas for posts, but haven't gotten it together to make them happen. And I keep writing drafts and deleting them. Here's something to hold over until I get a bit more time to do a proper post:

A cupcake contest, pitting the cities' best bakeries. Whose buttercream will reign supreme? I'll post the results once we've declared a victor.

For those who read the Babysitter's Club books or Sweet Valley High, these sites are fabulous:
The Dairi Burger (SVH)
What Claudia Wore (BSC)
BSC Headquarters (BSC)

There's something about February that makes me want to embroider. Posie Gets Cozy's Pleasant Dishtowels look pretty tempting. DesignSponge's cookie tin makeover was also a fun little project for an old pretzel tin.

To celebrate avocado season, here's one of my favorite recipes: Comfort rice. Mix a few cups white (short-grain) or brown rice with one avocado, cubed, and top with a generous splash of rice wine vinegar, a generous pinch of salt, and a hearty sprinkling of furikake. It's so hearty and warm and sour and salty you have to feel good just eating it (I have a recipe for "Comfort Pasta," which inspired this recipe's name). Cucumbers can replace avocados when they're in season.

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