Thursday, October 14, 2004


Abruptly after declaring everything wouldn't work and we were back at square one, my dad called to say it was decided - Playacar for us. For those keeping score, this was the place with the free premium drinks (it's an all-inclusive, so all food is included too). But all the Bacardi you can drink was not the deciding factor. The direct flight, nice beaches, things to do nearby, ease, and the fact that it's someplace we've never been were the deciding factors. It also has daily afternoon tea, with those tasty little cakes, and a whole slew of those wonderful little classes like yoga on the beach and cooking lessons which I plan to attend upon arrival but miss once the beach-yes-I'd-like-another-Mojito-mmm-this-is-the-life lethargy sets in.

Something warm sounds nice as it is brr brr-ity cold here. Last night I clung with the tenacity of a leech to A, availing myself of his warmth. Perhaps it's time to start thinking about turning the heat on. Or purchasing a hot water bottle.

I have the wonder of wonder, miracles of miracle next week - two days off, during the week, when no one else has them off. I'll be able to live the leisure life of the rich urban socialites, running errands in the expanse of daytime hours, sipping coffee while writing letters, basking in the glow of real daylight that seems only an illusion from my office window. These days were given to me and my coworkers as a precious gift in return for the countless extra hours we have worked lately, including many weekend hours.

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