Monday, October 04, 2004

Meeting Michelle Kwan and the perfect cabin weekend

So what I joked about for weeks did come true. I did meet Michelle Kwan and I did, yes, weird as it sounds, see her pee. When we signed up for this doping thing I didn't really know what we were getting into.. and it was really strange that we, two people not connected with the skating world, were doing this. But we got to see some amazing skating from our well-stocked suite, then pop down to lower levels to see all the skaters up close warming up. It was a bit awkward watching the testing, mainly because we felt self-conscious that we had signed up for this, and who were these pervs who volunteered to watch skaters pee, but really it wasn't a big deal. Michelle was nice, albeit tired and a bit jaded, I think. She's been doing this a long time so I understand. Damn are those figure skaters fit, though, especially the women. It's hard to look past the sequins and netting and lame of the guys' costumes.

We left for the cabin at 11:45 p.m. - Husband drove the whole way, while I succumbed to sleep for awhile but then awoke to assist in watching for deer... which there were many.
The rest of the weekend was wonderful - long walks and hikes in the beautiful fall foliage, tasty squash soup and homemade blue cheese dressing, good times with friends EC and P, who brought up a fun craft project and two seasons of Coupling. Really, a perfect weekend. Too bad that as I write this I realized that we left the heat on! Damn! I think my parents are going up next weekend though.

Leaves glorious leaves.

Mmm... there's nothing like a fall cabin trip.

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