Thursday, December 09, 2004

Voyageurs and their Kozy Shack

Why in the land of plenty, where there are hundreds of cereals to choose from, is one limited to just Jell-O-brand pudding? Sure there are thirteen flavors and various combinations of flavors with instant, cook and serve, sugar-free instant, and sugar-free cook and serve, but isn't there a higher quality pudding mix out there? Perhaps I must learn to make it from scratch. I'm currently having a love affair with Kozy Shack chocolate pudding, which I love if only for the wonderful warm feeling the words Kozy Shack give me (I prefer to say it in my mind instead of read it and be affronted with the terrible spelling).

I just got a huge stack of books from the library (stacks of books from the library are a regular thing at our house, where we always have a 25-40 item long list of things on reserve), but this is an especially large and varied stack. I had a recent surge of I-want-to-go-on-a-wilderness-adventure, so I reserved many books about canoe routes and Canada. I just picked up Fur Trade Canoe Routes of Canada, Then and Now and realized with a strange sense of alienation that I must have checked out this book (and read parts of it) at least three times. Also in my stack are a few short story collections, The Best American Nonrequired Reading 2004 and several travel anthologies that focus on women. I also checked out another one of those family-takes-a-year-off-to-travel-the-world books (I've already read One Year Off and Monkey Dancing; this one is 12,000 Miles in the Nick of Time.)
Well, off to make some cook-and-serve, play cat-in-the-bag with Rocky, and read!

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