Monday, March 26, 2007


Surely how you prepare for a vacation says a lot about who you are.
For example:
1. Husband packs the day before. I save itemized lists on my computer: I open St. John 2006.doc, make a few minor adjustments, and get packing. ...(at least two days in advance).
2. After once being forced to jettison excess poundage from my suitcase, I now haul my suitcase and plop it down on the home scale before embarking on a flight. But still, when they place my bag on the airport scale, I find myself chatting up the airline worker in hopes that she/he is distracted.
3. I learned just a few years ago* that not all families pack booze in their carry-on wheelie bags so that when they arrive they don't have to hunt down the nearest liquor store (which is usually closed by that time). We also pack our own glasses (we're kind of particular).
*The peals of astonished laughter by a coworker clued me in. This is her favorite Tacohead story.

TOP THREE SIGHTINGS, courtesy of recent lake running:
1. Man in parka, ski mask, and shorts.
2. Woman running while clutching earphone cord in teeth.
3. Man running while holding shirt aloft to display view of abs

1. This was my last thought before falling asleep Saturday night: If Husband ever contracted head lice (say, from a recent student), I absolutely would not be able to comb through his hair, no matter how much I'd tell myself to suck it up.
2. My friend has a MySpace page for her butt.

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