Sunday, March 11, 2007

Vacation Diaries, Day 1: Madison Weekend

Thanks to a random teacher day off, Husband was able to join me for my sojourn to the dairy state to explore its capital with longtime friend and former Maine resident A (and boyfriend, B). Equally important, Husband was able to drive as I read and puzzled and wrote and slept and was a vacationing woman of luxury.

I have to hand it to you, Madison, you're awfully convenient, with your easy walking, plentiful restaurants, and tempting bars. As I shared my vacation challenge with the others it became clear that our most difficult decision would be choosing which of Madison's drinking traditions we should embrace. Ads for the "Two Schlitz lunch" and the famous yet unconquered "boot of beer" beckoned, but we remained firm to our dedication to the ice cream drink. Specifically, the grasshopper - a delicious blend of creme de menthe, creme de Cacao, and vanilla ice cream. On Saturday, when A and B shared their recent homebrewing efforts, we made it a theme weekend by indulging in beer floats -- dark creamy homebrew with organic vanilla ice cream.

Other adventures...
You know all those times you've gone snowshoeing and wondered if you really needed them?
I present you: the time I went hiking but really needed snowshoes.

We could hardly drive through Mount Horeb without stopping at the Mustard Museum. I was ready to express fake enthusiasm for homemade displays but no! The museum was a class act*, with rows and rows of mustard for purchase (and sampling) . I was overcome with a zealous passion for mustard... where has mustard been all my life?!
*Well, except for the "Poupon U" merchandise.

We wandered down the obligatory and legendary State Street, eating (biscuits rivaling mustard in my newfound cult-like devotion), shopping (why don't we have a Community Pharmacy?), and exploring (shortcut through the Capitol! Liberty indeed). Everything is so much more fun when you're out of town and unchained from the errand-running, chore-completing responsibilities that mar weekends at home.

This picture sums up the weekend quite nicely. What a treat it is to write, sipping a G&T with friends around, making dinner and chatting after a day of exploring.
The giant bowl of sweet potatoes fries is just gravy.

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