Wednesday, March 12, 2008


After four years I've finally figured out how to have yogurt for breakfast with a minimal amount of waste and mess.

Individual yogurts = convenient BUT more expensive and lots of packaging and more difficult to transport as need 5 each week
Big yogurt tubs = messy to eat out of OR wasteful to put in disposable cups OR messy to wash out of cup every day (also requires trip to sink two floors down).

Big yogurt + small yogurt container to refill each day. I transfer a day's portion into the small container, eat it, spoon in the next day's portion, and put it back in the fridge. I periodically wash it out to prevent long term germ/old yogurt build up.

Now, if Old Home would only do something about their packaging. Seriously, it's horrendous. They should take a cue from competitor Schroeder, whose packaging makes me s w o o n.

The perfect accompaniment? Bittersweet granola from the Kitchn, via Not Martha. I am only allowed to eat it on yogurt otherwise it gets out of hand [i.e. into mouth].

1 comment:

Strawberryyog said...

I have a suggestion: eat a BIG tub of yoghurt every day. Then the only problem you haven't solved is transportation, so get the supermarket delivery service to bring you seven assorted flavours every week. And if you are at risk of anyone accusing you of greed, eat it with a huge spoon and pretend it's a normal small tub and there's something wrong with the other person's sense of perspective. There you go, simple fix. :)