When I pulled out our worn bag of frozen edamame, Husband reminded me that I should do an update on the
running gear review I did last year.Most of these items are still vital parts of my running routine. Nearly one year and four marathons later, I still am quite passionate about Endurox, the Garmin Forerunner, gu gel, and BioFreeze. Less vital but still nice are the Stick and New Skin Liquid Bandage.
Here are a few other products I failed to mention:
Running Gear additions, 2008:Water belt (gray and black, GoLite brand) -- I don't think these are nearly as annoying to wear as you'd think, although in the heat of summer they certainly aren't my favorite. But it's such a luxury to have space to store your sunglasses and gel, and to know that you have water with you. I wouldn't run 12+ miles without one, even if I passed water pumps on the way.
BodyGlide -- all-purpose lube, especially good for feet, underarm area (when wearing short sleeves), along sportbras, inner thighs, etc. Husband and I are not the fanatics that most of our running friends are about this stuff, but chafing really sucks and takes forever to go away. On race day I put this stuff everywhere.
I put a hat in here because that and sunglasses are such essential items for me, even though they are not fancy. I also put my new shoes (Nikes of all things, can you believe it? But the toe box is so nice and roomy!) as a point about getting good shoes that fit your particular stride and foot shape and a reminder to replace them every 500 or so miles. It's worth it to go to a true running store that knows what they're doing, even if you don't buy them there. I did a little parade of gu to celebrate my affection for it, also to point out that you can usually get a discount if you buy by the case. And the edamame is to show how much it's worn in its year of use. I love you edamame... although I spend most of my time lately sitting on you, tending to my I-must-be-getting-older-if-rec-sports-are-leaving-me-with-injuries, not-going-away groin strain, courtesy of broomball 2008.