Monday, April 21, 2008

Marathon training

I thought I'd share my marathon training schedule because I think it's a lot more do-able and less intimidating than people think.

In general this is a guideline--my actual log does not look just like this. I often do 8 on Tuesday and then skip Saturday, do 6 runs one week and 4 the next, etc.

Things that are really important:
1. Doing hill and/or speed work
2. Doing the long runs and climbing mileage gradually
Things that aren't as important:
1. Running five times a week. You could easily swap in some cross-training.
2. It's OK to have an off week once in awhile. Most people get sick, take a vacation, etc., and it's not a big deal.

There are a million theories on running, of which this is just one. But there you go.
I also think going from 9 miles to 10 miles is as hard as going from 14 to 15 and then from 19 to 20. You always push yourself so you're tired when you're done; going longer isn't that much different.

But I won't lie: the last 6.2 miles break all the rules.

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