Wednesday, September 29, 2004

In the doldrums

It's one of those days where I feel there is nothing in particular to look forward to so I just want to lie around like a bum.

But there are shining-ray-of-light things to look forward to! Such as
1. Cabin trip this weekend - tasty fall food, hiking in beautiful foliage, relaxing with friend EC and her boy
..... and..... and.... and....
Hmm. Can't really think of anything else.

OK, I have to do better than this.
I am excited for:
2. Spring vacation with family
3. Building my Web site at work
4. Colder weather so I can stop wearing in-between clothes
5. Reading the two books I started, Evening Clouds by Junzo Shono and The Forgotten Island by Sasha Troyan.
6. Painting the kitchen wall

That's better, but still not very good. I guess I'll have to work on cultivating things to look forward to.

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