Wednesday, June 22, 2005

Curiosity and cats

I've always been curious about people. I think that's why I like to read so much - I like to learn about other people's lives and what makes them who they are. Part of me always wants to dispense with the niceties and small talk and get to the real stuff... like when a friend and I took a new co-worker to lunch. After all the chitchat I finally asked her, "What are you passionate about?" We laughed because it was kind of strange, but it broke the tension. Wouldn't things be better if we all shared more? Talked about real stuff? I'm aghast at the topics that close friends and relatives feel they can't talk about with each other. For example, for my brother, who's drifting, "What are you doing with you life?" For others, "Are you happy in your relationship? Why are you with him/her?" This sounds confrontational, and it's not supposed to be. I don't want to tell people how they should be living their lives, but rather find out why they live their life that way.

I've become one of those annoying pet people. I actually passed around a picture of the kittens today while distributing handouts at a meeting. All I can think about is going home and playing with them. I am jealous of Husband because he gets to spend more time with them and I worry that they like him better. I am in love with the kittens. If this is what kittens are like... then we are never having children.

Reading: The Lone Ranger and Tonto Fistfight in Heaven by Sherman Alexie, A Changed Man by Francine Prose, and from the young adult shelves, Looking for Alaska, to indulge my love of boarding schools. I always wanted to go as a kid.

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