Tuesday, June 07, 2005

Another year older

I neglected to mention that I celebrated my birthday last week. It was lovely, from the coffee date with Husband to the lunch with my parents and brother at perfect-little-restaurant-in-the-park’s patio (curried cauliflower soup, tomato salad, and strawberry-amaretto sundae with locally-made vanilla bean ice cream...mmm), to the picnic dinner with Husband and gathering of friends afterward. I felt truly loved.

Whenever birthday-time rolls around I’ll always amazed by how many of my friends are Geminis. It makes remembering their birthdays easy, as one always remembers birthdays when one’s is on the horizon, but it also seems uncanny. Are we drawn to each other’s curiosity, intelligence, good humor, restlessness, and moodiness? I must disagree with the assessment that Geminis are always the life of the party. None of my Gemini friends can claim this honor.

Up next: weekend trips to cabin and Duluth mini-break.
Pending in August: Canoeing trip in BWCA and Ely cabin time.

In January: Two-and-a-half weeks in York, England. (Requiring me to miss college-buddy JC’s wedding in California. Very sad about this).

Watching: the BBC Pride and Prejudice. Colin Firth is charming with his smoldering eyes, yet not nearly as handsome as in recent films. I love Jane Austen. Watching: Just started Six Feet Under. Am interested, yet am not a committed fan yet. Listening: A Year in Provence for the third time. If you have a car trip in your future RENT IT. It fills me with mirth. Also Dress Your Children in Corduroy and Denim. Read: Dear Zoe, very sad but very well-written book, Mrs. Mike, Anne of Green Gables-like tail of frontier life that appeals to my affection for the north woods and even takes place on the Peace River, and Growing Perennials in Cold Climates.

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