Friday, June 10, 2005

Making it worth your while

Husband already has the indulgent father thing going. He went to the grocery store to procure car snacks and rations for our camping trip, and he came home with all of the good vacation junk food: licorice, good chocolate, cheese Ritz bits sandwiches, Dare cookies, Triscuits, and roasted red pepper and lemon hummus.

Dare cookies are just one of the many blessed things that come from the maple leaf state. There is a reason I’ve been to seven of the thirteen provinces yet haven’t been to Europe. From my first trip as a three-year-old to Winnipeg to my months of exploring the wild rivers of Manitoba and Alberta, to my first real adult-type travel to Ontario and the Rockies, I am a committed Canadaphile.

Cat dishes have been procured in various sizes to accommodate current diminutiveness and future growth. A week and a half left to kitty-proof the house and come to a resolution on names.

A few helpful recommendations to reward you for slogging through the tidbits:
1. Life-altering moisturizer: Aveeno Positively Radiant Daily Moisturizer.
2. It truly is magic, and gets out everything (including ink-transfer stain on wood table): Mr. Clean Magic Eraser.
3. If I could only have one appliance it'd be my: Williams Sonoma Fuzzy Logic Rice Maker
4. Like to read? Excellent recommendations by category: Book Lust and More Book Lust.
5. Simple, yummy, gorgeous, and elegant recipes: Moosewood Restaurant Celebrates.

To wile away last few hours of the workweek, try this. You might want to shut your office door lest the sharp bursts of laughter alarm your colleagues. Also enjoying: numerous food blogs (and harboring aspirations of having one myself, yet fearful of the time commitment). Try this one for starters (ha! punny!).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

As a Canadian, I truly appreciate your interest. But, I Dare say, it's "harbouring", dearie... not "harboring"!
