Friday, October 28, 2005

The good life

Suckers, I thought, as I took off running down the road. All of those people who at 9 a.m. are chained to their desks. Sure, that's me every other day of the work week, but today I am living the good life. Wake at 7:30, watch gray flat sky slowly intensify with color. Read for an hour from the cozy enclave of my bed. Finally get up and head out for a run, set free with the knowledge that there is nowhere I have to be.

I'm at the cabin, again, and if I weren't on dial-up I'd link that back to other cabin entries. Grizz came up early with me last night, as to get some of the nice, relaxing, quiet part of the weekend along with the fun, crazy part that will start when our nine other weekend guests arrive later today. Not that Grizz and I didn't have fun, sharing some aged provolone and drinks while reminiscing about college... our worst semesters, the random people we thought were cute until we actually got to know them, mistaken illusions we had about ourselves.

Well... I'm off to enjoy the good life. Tea, perhaps. Knitting. Finishing my mystery novel (set in Yorkshire, to get me in the mood). And certainly a nap.

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