Sunday, January 01, 2006


Yesterday I ate double chocolate ice cream cake, manicotti, appetizers that were little more than savory shortbread smothered in cheese, pizza, and chocolates. I drank sake, wine, a melon ball, blue raspberry Jello shots, and gin and tonic.

That was 2005.

Today is 2006. I took a shower, scouring away the symbolic dirt of the last year with a sugar scrub. I drank a pot of green tea.


Then I remembered that it's a day of reckoning.

Although blogging has nearly replaced my personal journal, I am stalwart about New Year resolutions. And sure enough, there is my cheerful and optimistic handwriting setting out how 2005 is going to be.

Gulp. Let's take a look. Yep, it's pretty much all-around failure. I could copy these resolutions down again for next year. I haven't been a better wife, sister, friend. I haven't learned to relax better or remain mindful of eating. I haven't really pushed myself professionally.

Hmm. Usually I kick resolution butt. I reread my 2004 goals first (since in the entry I review how I did before making new ones) and I've thoroughly kicked 2004's ass.

Maybe I need to celebrate my successes anyway, even if I didn't make resolutions about them.

- I learned a lot of new things professionally and had many new challenges
- I learned a lot of new skills. I really learned to knit and bake bread (not the half-assed efforts I lauded last year). I expanded my gardening skills, grew a good garden, and learned how to can.
- I kept up with exercise, and learned (albeit briefly, so far) a new sport, broomball.
- I took two camping trips (one short, one real)
- I expanded my palate, enjoying kale and beets, and bought locally.
- I made some new friends (yea!)

That's not bad! 2005 was a kind year, at least to my friends and family (not to the many plagued by natural disasters). I think nearly everyone is better off than last year.

So here's to 2006! May you be good to us as well, and may we rise to your challenge.

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