Thursday, June 07, 2007

Blood test #2

I haven't talked very much about volunteering to be a kidney donor for my aunt because it seemed like I should wait until it was official. But it's been on my mind a lot the past few months... and even for the past few years, as I first volunteered three or four years ago. (My uncle (her husband) and my grandma have also donated kidneys to her, but because of a strange blood clot issue, both kidneys died).

I didn't volunteer because I wanted to make some grand noble gesture, I did it because of logic. As someone young, healthy, and closely related but not too closely related, it seemed to me that I was the best option. And sure, I might get some nice presents afterward and get to lie around eating ice cream.

I had my first blood test a few weeks ago -- I passed, but not really because I was a stellar match, but mostly because modern technology could overcome the deficiencies.

I went in for my second blood test earlier this week. If I passed, the final step in the donor screening process would be a trip to Mayo for a lengthy examination.

Test #2: Six vials of blood to test the antibody reaction

When you're young and healthy, it's hard to imagine failing any medical test, even ones that have nothing to do with your relative fitness. So I was surprised and disappointed to hear that I had failed. The antibodies in my aunt's blood reacted too strongly to my blood.

So after preparing myself for the scar, the surgery, the two weeks off from work, and the lifetime ban from playing football, I find myself with a free schedule, and the knowledge that I'll still be able to wear bikinis. (I was still going to, of course, because who cares, but now I won't have to think about).

It's not my fault that I didn't pass, but I still feel sad.

1 comment:

Mike said...

Mr. H was right- you have a great blog. I'm impressed!