Friday, June 22, 2007

Vacation Diaries, Day 10: Marathon!

My last vacation day of the Vacation Diaries challenge was one that I had planned for a long time -- taking Friday off to go up to Duluth for Grandma's Marathon on Saturday.

Worst thing about the race: The weather. It was already hot and humid when the race started at 7:30. By mile 2 I was covered in sweat. The sun was unrelenting, and there weren't any clouds or shade to offer reprieve.

Best thing about the race: The community support and that the race was extremely well organized. The people from Two Harbors to Duluth were awesome, and the city of Duluth really turns out and does an amazing job.

Favorite T-shirts slogans worn by fellow runners:
I'm with stupid (arrows pointing in all directions)
I have to poop

Favorite cheers from the crowd:
Mile 16 - Don't feel bad about the heat, you'll do better next year!
Mile 18 - You're almost there!

Lowest point: At mile 17, realizing that I was alone and would be running the next 9.2 miles by myself

Highest point: Seeing my family seven times, which is so AMAZING it deserves capital letters and a medal and finisher T-shirt of their own. Seeing friends KS, GR, and RL at Mile 25 (and nearly equally as great, distracting myself during Miles 19-25 by idly looking for them).

Most frustrating point: That damn finish line! It's short sequences of two blocks, two blocks, two blocks, over and over, and each one does not yield the finish line.

Final time — 4:22!

Most proud: Of running the whole thing at a steady pace and feeling good the whole time.

Of course, I want to do it again, but I think I should probably take a break. I also realize that I was incredibly lucky -- with the heat you're just doing your best to guess how much water and gu you need. Next time it could easily be me puking on the side of the street or hobbling on cramped legs.

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