Wednesday, March 16, 2005

Talking 'bout a revolution

Over lunch I was reading Local Daily Tribune online and saw the word "co-ed" in a story. Co-ed? What decade are we in? And although I do not make a habit of pestering people, I couldn't resist the little innocent Author's Name link at the bottom. So I emailed him, saying I was curious why he used the word. He replied, saying he's not sure, but the word does get used at Local Daily Tribune (apparently despite it's relatively good reputation) and he'd mention it to his editor. He then replied just minutes later saying that the story has already been changed; behold the power of the internet. Wow! How's that for a quick and respectful response!

Reason #37 that Husband is awesome: He realizes that having spent twenty-four hours on a bus doesn't preclude him from the dinner rule, i.e., s/he who arrived home first is in charge of dinner.

Small things that I very much dislike and which can ruin parts of my day if I'm not careful #3: returning things. I was very chagrined to realize that when I used my new Aveeno Positively Radiant Moisturizing Lotion this morning that it was not the Aveeno Positively Radiant Daily Moisturizer that I wanted. I'm dreading asking for a return, especially since it came with a free body wash sample I've already used. Courage, son... courage.

Do you know, coincidentally, that "Talking 'bout a revolution" is my wake-up song? I put it in years ago and never changed it. But I usually don't hear it - I'm masterful at waking up minutes before, or hearing the CD start to spin.

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