Monday, July 19, 2004

Monday pick a mix

Reading: Nothing! No books came in at the library so I had to seek alternative entertainment. I reread a bit of Fumiko Enchi's The Masks and finished perusing Book Lust.

Eating: perfect Sopranos-worthy spaghetti, with basil and oregano from our garden (for which husband takes the credit, but still.)

Thinking about: why I'm constantly making pithy little lists instead of real entries here where I actually write something; why I left the carob-covered raisins at home and didn't bring them for an afternoon snack; my aunt, and how every illness or complication seems to find her, and how much her life has been shaped by that.

Weekend highlights: luxurious Friday afternoon shopping, early dinner with parents, nice run through the park, pleasant cooking and movie watching for one on Sunday evening, a few nice chats with friends.

Looking forward to: Thai food with the in-laws tonight, pedicures with mom tomorrow, free bubble tea and shiatsu at neighborhood fest Wednesday. Two friends who want to get together, possibly for walks around the lakes.

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