Saturday, July 24, 2004

The two cardinal rules of weddings

B's two cardinal rules of weddings:
1. During the ceremony, particularly as the bride processes and meets the groom, someone - preferably the bride and or groom, but at least the mother or father of the bride or an attendant - must cry. If no one's crying, it doesn't feel right, like they don't understand the significance of what they are about to undertake. The more people crying the better, but no sobbing.
2. When the officiant says "You may now kiss the bride," it better be a good kiss, and by good kiss, I mean there better be some tongue. None of these series of small smooches... you just got married, for god's sake, have at it.

Ever since I got married, I really enjoy weddings. Before I got married, I would think about what I would do differently. Now that mine is over and I know how hard they are and in particular how impossible it is to please everyone, I love weddings to bits, and enjoy everything about them - even the parts that I would never do.

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