Monday, May 16, 2005

Rut broken

Friday: Mischief accomplished. There was so much mischief that it is sort of a blur with lots of parts that I don’t understand or even remember (not in that scary-drunken-memory-lapse way, but in that too much happening at once after consuming a few drinks kind of way). It was a wonderful break from the sequential and slow-placed A, B, C, D kind of interactions that characterize most social gatherings. On cold rainy Saturday we nested and made a stew that bubbled on the stove all afternoon while we took the longest nap ever, and then took a drive, yes, like parents do, and ended up at a Middle Eastern grocery and coming home to finish another disc of CSI.

Read: The Way the Crow Flies by Ann-Marie MacDonald, reading Blankets, a graphic novel by Craig Thompson, and Never Let Me Go by Kazuo Ishiguro.

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