Thursday, July 21, 2005

Their cuteness obscures the evil that lurks within

Wrestling on the couch...

Preparing to walk on the keyboard and delete e-mail

The kittens are so naughty that Husband and I have dog-eared the section on discipline in Kittens for Dummies. The two biggest problems we have are fighting on us while we're asleep (surprisingly not charming) and putting their noses (and tongues, if we'd let them) in our food. Cadbury is particularly incessant about anything dairy, and also enjoys iced tea. Although Husband has a really good alpha dog voice, yelling, clapping, etc. generally has not be very effective, particularly at night if the other is somehow managing to sleep through the nightly WWF match. So we've been testing two other techniques: the reliable water spray bottle (which is somewhat effective), and hissing. I admit, I'm not a very good hisser. It doesn't feel very natural. But Husband made me jump nearly off the bed last night when his deep convincing "HISSSSSSSSSSS!" jarred me from semi-doze.
If you have any ideas, send them my way. Please.

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