Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Trading in the kiddie cocktails for G&Ts

The best weather we’ve ever had at the cabin, good friends we hadn’t seen in awhile, and a cooler full of beer each came together for a wonderful holiday weekend. My family has vacationed with the family that always comes up for the Fourth since I was two and crying because I couldn’t walk out with the big kids in Lake Winnipeg. Between trips to Disney World, summers at a resort, and weekend trips around the state, we have quite a few memories together. And we did our best to make a few new ones... thanks in part to the sneaky dehydrating effects of the sun and the illusion of sobriety promoted by laying around on the dock.

On the drive up my brother got a ticket – on the rez! I comforted him with the fact that it at least it made a good story, with the rez police and all of the in-poor-taste Indian jokes about paying for the fine in trade, etc.

As of mid-morning today, the Brothers K had their manhood taken away from them. Poor dears.
I bought some dill to plant on a whim and have ignored it since, so now it looks like a mini-forest rather than herbs. I cut some down last night and wasn’t very enthused about cooking with it, but I quartered some baby Yukon gold potatoes and stirred in sea salt, ground pepper, a spoonful of sour cream, and all of the dill bits from one of my trees. My god, it was amazing. It was fresh and full, and redolently resplendent with pickle-ness.

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