Saturday, September 09, 2006

Feeling the burn (or Day 5)

It's day five and things are getting tough. I had created a stash of partially written entries and ideas but now I've culled the "good" ones and have been sitting here for half an hour, reading anything within grabbing distance and not getting anywhere.

Any requests?


One of the authors of a blog I read occasionally does this thing she calls an Uberlist -- or a giant to-do list sorted by categories (on the link, scroll to Aug. 23). Inspired by her brilliance and my own love of lists, I expanded and consolidated various jotted lists to start on my own Uberlist. As I'm still working on it, I won't post it all, but I will post the 3 things I can already check off!

Cooking: Learn to bake hearty wheat bread (accomplished today, hurrah!)
Knitting: Knit something this fall (started purple hat last night)
Writing: Challenge self to blog every day for two weeks (in progress)

There's nothing like fall for getting things done.

Well, off to cook some fantastic sounding split pea soup to go with the bread.

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