Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Socks older than you are

I have a different statute of limitations on clothing than most people. Sure, I get new clothes every season... but if I like something, it sticks around. I'm not really proud of this... I realize that my co-workers are tired of seeing the same black bag every day for five years. But I already replaced my winter purse for them, so they'd better deal.

Other members of the Hall of Fame:
-Favorite black sweater that I wear all the time - 7 years old (and kickin'!)
-Husband - 9 years old (Seems young in comparison)
-Pajamas that I wore last night - 9 years old (Bought to take to college)
-Winter black wool pants - 10 years old
-Purple paddle hairbrush - 14 years old
-Umbro shorts that I wear several times a week - 15 years old (long live blue check!)

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