Wednesday, November 21, 2007


Christmas is a good excuse to indulge your crafty side and make a few homemade gifts. Every year I try a couple of things... some have been more successful than others, but here's a little list if you're looking for a few ideas. If you have favorites of your own, please share them with us!

Organizers. I made these pretty accordion-style organizers last year and was quite pleased with the results. PaperSource had all the supplies (nice envelopes, fancy ribbons, and label stickers) for pretty reasonable, especially if you're making a few sets.

Ornaments. A perennial favorite, and couldn't be easier. I've taken seashells from our beachy trips and put a dab of glue in them and inserted both ends of a foot-long ribbon, making a loop so it hangs on the tree. I took a silver pen and wrote the year and destination on the ribbon. I've also taken photos from the year and made a little paper frame and glued on a ribbon length to the top corners to hang on the tree. Anything + glue + ribbon = a pretty little gift.

Other ideas...
EC and I made these marble magnets once up at the cabin... they are quite fun and easy, and who couldn't use a few stylish little magnets?

Biscotti. I made two kinds - cranberry ginger and orange hazelnut, and wrapped about five pieces each in tissue paper, clear bag, and a ribbon. I think biscotti's quite tasty and is a perfect winter coffee/cocoa break, not-too-sweet treat, but it's so dry and doesn't look very appealing so I'm not sure whether I'll do this again.

Spiced/glazed nuts. I put these in a big glass jar tied up with ribbon... and it didn't look nearly as pretty or yummy as I thought it would. I was even kind of embarrassed to hand them over when the time came. Perhaps one of those clear bags instead? They are tasty to eat, however, whether you choose a spicy recipe or one that's more sweet.

For this year, I was thinking about this pretty looking pistachio brittle in the latest Martha Stewart Living... but I always feel like sweet treats are enjoyed yet also resented. At least the brittle has some protein. Oooh... I've also wanted to try one of those homemade marshmallow recipes... wouldn't that be a nice treat to receive? The airtight container and keeping only 3 days would be a trick, though.

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