Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Day of no multitasking

If you've ever done yoga or meditated, you know what not multitasking is like. The constant fight to be in the moment, not thinking or doing anything else... and failing... then trying again, and achieving moments of restful calm... before thinking about that email you need to send and what you're going to have for dinner.

Here are the things I didn't do today:
1. Read the newspaper while drying my hair and then eating breakfast
2. Listen to the radio while driving

3. Open multiple programs or tabs on my computer, as best as I was able (Man, you have to try this one. It's comical).

4. Do anything while eating lunch (Boring! I finally stopped halfway through and returned some email; then stopped and finished lunch.)

5. Listen to the radio while driving home.
6. Listen to music or clean up while making dinner. (This was the hardest. I'm always putting away the dishes/sipping something/playing with CDs/cleaning/tidying while cooking... so it was really hard to just do one thing).
7. Do anything while eating dinner, alone. Damn.

I like experiments, so I think I'm going to try keeping up with some parts of this for a few more days to see how it goes. I feel like I noticed a lot more today, and felt calmer.

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