Tuesday, April 12, 2005

Coming soon... more sex!

I recently learned that people like to read about love, death, sex, or money. I do not talk much about love (beyond my affection for Kozy Shack), death (beyond my kitty dying!), sex (I know it’d be a lot more interesting if I wrote about my sex life like other bloggers, but that stays in our house/yard/car/random public venue), and I’m pretty sure my talk about money is not the kind that the speaker intended. Maybe I can get around the sex thing by writing about other people’s sex – Theystolemybike, now with weekly sex updates from my friends!

Ok, Ok, here’s one vaguely sex-related story. I was playing racquetball as I do over lunch with my friend and she mentioned that she saw this guy she recognized as she was buying pansies, and she realized she knew him from the local porn shop. I raised my eyebrow and she clarified that it’s a porn/video store. As my eyebrow was still raised she further clarified that she’s never seen porn before and chatted on a bit about that. Then there was this silence where I didn’t say anything, because while I am no purveyor of porn I can’t really say that I’ve never seen one, and it would take a lot of work to explain all that. So I turned and served.

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