Wednesday, April 06, 2005

Kale or culottes, cats or concrete

Give the girl a hefty tax return and a salary increase and she turns into a glutton for consumerism.
Now that we don't have to watch every dollar, suddenly I feel free! Free to go out to lunch without factoring it into my weekly spending! Free to buy a random chai latte* from the local cafe on a Tuesday night without forgoing Friday's coffee morning! Free to develop my digital pictures for a user-friendly place and not use the Best Buy photo rebate card I got with my camera that is impossible to use because you must use it in the store yet can only order photo processing online.
But with this freedom comes many agonizing decisions. The money is not endless, so I am faced with dilemmas like: a summer's supply of organic veggies or much-needed new clothes? (I have a rapidly increasing number of pairs of underwear** with holes. Enough said). Two new cats and a summer trip or fixing our garage wall? Paying more down on the car payments or the mortgage?

*The secret to the cafe's chai latte, is, surprisingly, their use of a powdered chai mix. I know this flies into the face of common sense and the most holy Oregon Chai, but I have always had a fondness for crunchy bits in my beverages - i.e. partially dissolved cocoa, Kool-aid, etc.
**When checking the thesaurus for synonyms for underwear, I found this: smallclothes. Hee hee. I will adopt it as my own.

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