Monday, April 18, 2005

Morning after pickle

Snapshots from my weekend:
Wrangling vines from our lilac bushes in the rain, getting all soaked and dirty akin to camping and then throwing the clothes in the washer, cleaning up, and going out for Thai food with the satisfaction of having put in a hard morning’s work.

Attempting to rehydrate Sunday morning and assessing whether I had a gossip hangover (where I’ve revealed/inquired too much). Proclaimed myself free and clear, and while munching on a pickle (gotta replace that sodium), shared an detail from the night before with Husband, who reminded me that I’d shared the same detail last night when I’d stumbled in and collapsed in a chair moaning “drunk....druuuuuunk,” and shaking my head repentantly (but not too fast).

Posts I wrote today but deleted: a random series of thoughts that ending up coming full circle in a clever yet banal way; an essay on love death sex money a la the San Diego list, but I lost steam after death.

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