Friday, April 29, 2005

5-year plan

I am a fan of 5-year plans. I have one for work - which I just completed 3 years ahead of schedule. I also have one for kids - in 5 years we'd like to start having children. And because I have never changed a diaper and really enjoy my independence, I've started preparing for that overwhelming life change now. Thus, stage 1: become acclimated to the world of pregnancy/babies. So far I've read Anne Lamott's Operating Instructions: A Journal of My Son's First Year and Andrea J. Buchanan's Mother Shock: Loving Every (Other) Minute of it. I also read several mommy blogs. Someday I'm going to tackle the infamous What to Expect When Your Expecting because shouldn't you know what to expect before you're expecting? I also hope to learn from a distant friend who has the same cloth diaper/homemade baby food aspirations I do, who is pioneering the way for the rest of us with her newborn.
I'm made it clear to husband that in addition to setting aside money for baby, a condition of me blowing up like a balloon is setting aside funds for a post-partum membership at the renowned posh for-serious-fitness-people-only gym in our neighborhood.
I'm already worried about day care, breastfeeding, $$$, and the fact that I can't imagine myself having a kid. I can't believe people my age have kids. I still feel very much like a kid myself.

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